Impact Story

Prabhavati from Anubandha Charitable Trust

Anubandha Charitable Trust

April 20, 2024

Abandoned on the Streets by Her Foster Family

Meet Prabhavathi, a resilient elderly lady whose life took a drastic turn when she was abandoned on the streets by her foster family. After her husband's death over 15 years ago, Prabhavathi and her daughter worked tirelessly for this family despite their challenges. But one day, without warning, they threw her out due to her old age, keeping her daughter behind. Prabhavathi’s fate changed when an NGO found her and brought her to Anubandha Charity two years ago.

Finding Hope at Anubandha Charity

Life with the foster family was far from kind. They often beat Prabhavathi, refused to pay her, and denied her the medical help she desperately needed for her cataracts. Her daughter suffers from a neurological disability but is still made to work for them, though she receives some payment for the chores she does. The foster family traced Prabhavathi’s whereabouts and tried to hinder her cataract treatment by telling the owner of the charity that she had several medical complications. Despite these warnings, the owner of Anubandha Charity took Prabhavathi to the hospital for her much-needed eye surgery. Thanks to this, Prabhavathi's eyesight has significantly improved. In her new home at Anubandha, Prabhavathi is a vibrant and active member of the community. She enjoys lively conversations and helps with chores, bringing a sense of normalcy back into her life.

A Mother's Battle for Justice and Reunion

Prabhavathi hasn't given up on her daughter. She has filed police complaints against the foster family for the abuse she endured and their neglect towards her daughter. While she waits for justice, her longing for a reunion with her daughter remains unyielding.

Extend your support by becoming a donor

If Prabhavathi's story has touched your heart, you can make a difference. Consider supporting Anubandha Charity through KindKart and help the charity with their essential needs like groceries, cleaning essentials, medical supplies, and gas cylinders, among other things. Your contributions are used to procure these materials for the charity. It also helps them free up some funds that can then be allocated for specialized medical treatment for the elderly and accommodating more abandoned elderly individuals like Prabhavathi.

Click here to make a donation to Anubandha Charities through KindKart. Your support can help change lives and bring hope to those who need it most.

Thank you for your kindness.


