Impact Story

Premabai from Sevayana Trust

Sevayana Trust

April 20, 2024

A life of dependence and tragedy

Premabai, a 75-year-old woman, has faced more than her share of life's challenges. Born with an intellectual disability, she depended entirely on her loving husband, who worked as a Shamiana maker. They navigated life together until a tragic day changed everything. While fixing a Shamiana, her husband fell from a ladder, hit his head, and passed away instantly.

Sevayana: A ray of hope

Suddenly alone, Premabai was lost. She spent her days confined to their tiny one-room house; crying inconsolably. With no one to care for her, there was no one to even help her with food. Her neighbors, seeing her distress, helped as much as they could, but it wasn't enough. They knew that Premabai needed continuous support. On the day of the Dussehra celebrations, they reached out to Prabhamani, the founder of the Sevayana Trust, hoping for a miracle for her.

Prabhamani responded immediately. She brought Premabai to the trust that very day, offering her food, shelter, and a glimmer of hope. Initially, Premabai was withdrawn, barely speaking or eating, consumed by her grief and loneliness.

Transformation through compassion

Slowly, with the gentle encouragement of the staff and the companionship of other residents, Premabai began to heal. Day by day, she opened up a little more, started smiling, laughing and began to eat well.

Today, Premabai is a beacon of joy at the Sevayana Trust. Her face lights up when someone calls her their favorite. She has friends who adore her, she laughs freely, and her health has greatly improved. The once isolated and heartbroken woman is now a vibrant part of a loving community.

How You Can Help

Premabai's story is just one example of the life-changing work done by the Sevayana Trust. You can help others like Premabai by becoming a donor. Your support provides daily essentials like groceries, cleaning supplies and medicines that the residents need to have a healthy, fulfilling life. With the funds that Prabha is able to save due to your contributions, she can accommodate more elderly women who need her love and care. Extend your support and be a part of this transformative journey.

Thank you for your kindness.


